My Perfect Piece of Imperfection
Write to people that will never know they were addressed
Make art with hidden meaning and my untold secrets
Spill hot tears from my green eyes during cold moments
See things from the perspective I can obtain
Wear clothes to show my forever identity and mood for the given day
Learned how to recognize what will assist me to understanding life
Listen to words spoken aloud and words kept silent
Enjoy what leaves you in high spirits that others don’t understand
Dance to music no one else hears
Pound my fists into an empty atmosphere until the level of rage I have is alike
Value things others would disregard
Dream of all the desires from my heart
Read fictional novels knowing this is a reality for someone in this world
Embrace the me from my childhood
Consider the story behind every broken smile and hushed tear
Speak chosen thoughts using precise words to reflect my uncontrollable mind
Choose to remember based on my definition of importance
Play the role of a real world actress known as myself
Express the “I” in “unique”