My Painful Planet
My Planet
I would write my words on this page
But I feel the need to express em
To live them and grow through em
To prove the world wrong
Cause the world did me wrong for so long
My Planet
My Planet
So raw
So painful
My Planet
So raw
So painful
I paint a picture of who I am
I show the world my true colors
I fight with all my heart and my breathe
I show you my story, my life, my events
My Planet
So raw
So painful
It tries to disregard it
It tries to put it in the trash
But I ain’t going nowhere
I fought to get here
The world misunderstood me for too long
Made me feel like I didn’t matter
Like I was invisible
I am here to tell you
That you matter
I am here to tell you
That no matter what happens
You matter
We all matter
That is why I am
That is why you are
So live your life
With no fear of consequences or backlash
Don’t let that nonsense get to your mind
Know yourself
We are all our own planets
And we line the sky
Without one planet
The rest don’t survive
This is a call to the survivors
The used
The abused
This isn’t a love song
This is a journey
This is your life
So take it
Things won’t always go your way
Pick yourself up
Stand up
Fight in the name of what you believe in
I said fly your flag
Not your friends
Not your families
But your flag
And my flag is life
Because I love life
And I give it my all everyday
What’s your flag?
What’s your passion?
I pour my pain and emotion into everything I do
I haven’t lived a pain free life and I am sure you haven’t either
So stand up and believe
And stand for your life
Your life
Your moment
Your pain
Your heart
Your soul
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