"My Mans" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 17/6/2006
THIS Piece of Poetry Is To... My Mans'... !!!!!!
Whether... GOOD or BAD... !!!
NOT For Being BAD... !!!
But For Staying TRUE To Their TIGHT CREWS...
That Have NO USE For KILLING Feuds... !!!!!!
Bad Man Who KNOW About How... " Tings' Go "...
And KNOW The Coup So DEAL In... TRUTH... !!!!!!!!
Men Like THESE Are A... Minute FEW... !!!!!!!!!!
So PLEASE Believe Me...
The Respect I Give Is RELATIVE...
Because The TRUTH Is THIS...
... That's NOT How I Live... !!!!!!!!!!!!
My Mans' Have To EARN RESPECT From BIG VIRGE... !!!!!
So DON'T Expect Respect Because You've DONE... " Bird "...
RESPECT To My Mans' Who Use CONSCIOUS Words... !!!
In A... Hip Hop Stance... Or... Song FILLED Verse...
RESPECT To Charlie Parker KEEP Flying... " Bird "... !!!
Through The Fingers of Todays' Jazz Herds... !!!!
And RESPECT To My Mans' In Reggae Bands...
RESPECT To Rootsmans' Who.... OVERSTAND'....
The Way Dem Ah FEAR When We Come NEAR... !!!!!!
ESPECIALLY The Mans' Who SEE... " Tru' Dem' Plans "...
... " I Gi Dem' My RESPECT til the day dat' me DEAD ! " ...
But Let Me QUICKLY STRESS Men Like THESE I Do Suggest...
Are RARE Like Policies That ALLOW Such Men To Speak FREELY About REALITY... !!!
Men Like MARLEY, PETER TOSH and BUNNY The Wailers... THREE... !!!!!!!!
Who Chose To REACH OUT...
To The People With BEATS Musically FILLED With Conscious Speech...
Like BURNING SPEAR... For Di'... " Man Up In The Hills "...
A Place Where My Mans Could TRULY... CHILL... !!!!!!
And NOT Adhere To... Government Will... !!!
Time Will Tell If Life's HARD SELL...
Will Let My Mans' EVER Live Life WELL... ?!?
This Piece As I've Said Is To... " My Mans' "...
Those Now DEAD In... Foreign Lands ...
FIGHTING The Fight And Taking A STANCE... !!!
But It's ALSO To My STRONG Womans'... !!!
Who NURTURE Children And Give Guidance... !!!!
My Mans' In TRUTH... ALREADY Live Cool... !!!
And KNOW... WHO They ARE... !!!
Because They LISTEN To Views WISE ONES'... Impart... !!!
They're QUICK To Diminish What Weak Ones Start... !!!
But Do This With The... BEST of Hearts... !!!
But WATCH Your Step Because What Comes NEXT...
So Show RESPECT When You Are Around Them... !!!
Then MAYBE Yes... They'll Be Your Friend...
BETTER That I Suggest Than Get Them VEX...
And FACE The Prospect of... DISTRESS... !!!!!!!!!
My Mans' BELIEVE ME Are TRULY God Blessed... !!!
And DON'T Retreat From Lifes' TOUGH Tests... !!!!
Their BEST DEFENCE Is Common Sense... !!!
Which Formulates Their Arguments...
So YES This Piece Is Just For... THEM... !!!
NOT For Pounds Or For Cents... !!!
It's... Just For THEM... !!!
And For Crews Who Deal In TRUTH... !!!
If I Don't Know You Just Do Your Do...
Then If We Meet We'll SHARE Some Food... !!!
YES I Mean... VIEWS... !!!
Then I'd Imagine We Will Be COOL...
This Is For MY MANS' YES... ALL of YOU... !!!
Who Choose To INCLUDE Rather Than EXCLUDE.....
And Who Choose To Receive THIS Poetic Piece...
Which In Truth Reflects Love For HUMANITY...... !!!!!
And ALL Lifes' Tests YES.... REALITY.... !!!
A Part of Our Lives From Which We CAN'T HIDE... !!!
We're ALL Humans So Why Divide... Our - Sel - ves... ?!!!?
I DON'T Believe That's Going To HELP MAINTAIN Our Health... !!!
My Mans' AREN'T The Ones Who'll BURN In... " HELL "... !!!
Because My Mans' DON'T Have THOSE...... " Funny Smells "...... !!!!!!
I Wish Them WELL WHEREVER They Dwell... !!!
I'm Sending Out LOVE With My Writing Hand...
Through THIS Poem I've Used To EXPRESS...
........ My Love And RESPECT........ !!!
To Those Who've HELPED Me...
Through Their WISE Guidance... !!!
THIS Piece of Poetry Goes To.................................
......................... " My Mans' "........................