My Life is like a Book
My life is a book composed of many different chapters.
The lines I write within each one determines what comes after.
My book began before my birth. God formed me by his Plan.
And in His book my members were all written by His hand.
My early chapters, most were penned ny thoses He placed around me -
Parents, teachers, loved ones - to influences and surround me.
In the chapters of my youth, my story begins growing,
This is the portion of my life where I will do much sowing.
Will I be wise and think about the harvest I will reap?
Or will I just live for today, and pleasures that I seek?
What kind of story will I tell within this book I'm writing -
A tragedy, a comedy, boring or exciting?
Will it be a saga of a life well-lived for God -
Or a tale of grief and caution of the sinful paths I've trod?
Who will be the author of each paragraph and line?
Will the penman I seek be human or divine?
Will I use God's precious Book to guide me in my ways?
And will I let the mind of Christ reflect in every phrase?
Will I accecpt the things God brings into my earthly story -
Some of joy, and some of grief, but each to bring Him glory?
As a chapter closes, will I choose to dwell in sorrow,
Or will I choose to focus on the one that starts tommorow?
My book is being written, but it's also being read
By thoses who've seen the things I've done, and heard the things I've said.
Lord, write my book in such a way - each line, each page, each chapter,
Each charater, each circumstance, each time of tear and laughter,
So that each reader of my book will see, not me, but You.
And mat Your grace, Your love, Your joy, shine radiantly through.