My Kidnapper, My Love
And you did it again.
Ladies, gentlemen,
she did it again.
Turning every moment of joy into a living nightmare.
The color and brighness of our interactions,
vibrant, warm, inviting,
slowly faded away in a monochromatic gloom.
Once upon a time I was happy.
I confided in you.
I cared for you.
I cried for you.
I loved you.
Yet that love was as evanescent as your character.
Deception is a surreptitious spider,
always in the background, patiently waiting
to devoir, atack, destroy.
I prided myself on being a good judge of character,
on loving those who love me back.
Who appreciate me.
Who think of me.
How could I be so wrong?
You are without mercy.
Dressed in black, you destroy whatever is in your path.
A suductive enchantress, you exploit to your advantage.
And I, your latest prey.
I attempt to escape the chamber I am in.
I kick, scream, weep,
but my cries are absorbed.
There is no hope.
How could this have occurred?
How could I have so failed?
Love is a dangerous drug.
All your faults I ignored.
All your imperfections I embraced.
I loved you for who you truly were.
I treasured you, my tulip,
for you bring my joy.
But I know who you are now.
And yet there is nothing to be done.
I failed.
I am trapped in your web,
construed from lies and false promises.
And I, a fool, silently surrender.
But before submissing, whisper:
"I love you"