To My Brother and Sister
You never hear me
Because I’ve said too much
About the wrong things
About the “should do's"
And “I told you’s”
You never hear me
Because of those stickler statements
So when I do say the meaningful stuff
“That’s great!” and “I love you”
They pass you
But in my eyes, you’re awesome
So much better than me
I, the oldest, fall short of you
You, Adam and Audrey
Your Lego creations are astounding
Your drawings are abounding
You’re like me and yet not
You like me and sometimes don’t
We’re adversaries and friends
Stuck in the same house
It’s a trial… A blessing
And I
and happy.
I prayed for you when I was three
And I’ll love you for eternity
You’re my sister
You’re my brother
You’re my family
And I love you
Your sister