My Aura
I avoid large bodies of water when I am with him.
I am nervous if we get too comfortable swimming, we will drift waves.
We must reach a calm surface.
Yet I dream us wandering through the bottomless ocean. Together we can both catch
the wave.
I know he takes too much burden
so I walk around clutching onto my prayers that he feels good within himself.
Says it because he tells me my pressence relaxes his nerves.
& he tells me he is fine.
Although he dreams regret smothering him at night.
I dreamt he left me with such uncaring chill that I thought it was unreal.
He reacted as if his heart did not sting to consider us not being whole.
Yet, my spirit knows he will overcome this and see he is honorable of the crown I
made for him since the beginning.
He will wake up.
I will wake up.
& we will glow ...