Mutual Love
because i love you --
we talk
about the hurt: you wouldn't say I love you, because they didn't, and I acted like HIM
we talk
and find out: miscommunication, the intent was lacking where the action was the same
we talk
and heal: because we love each other
because I love You --
sometimes we need to take breaks
and that's okay
because needing to sit silently in nearby rooms or just in the same house is OK
because needing to be far apart on occasion is OK
the ability to be separate, the ability to be alone and still derive strength from this relationship, this love -
shows it is stronger than anything built on lust or conditionality;
it is built on Friendship.
because I love You --
I listen
You listen
We listen, to Each Other
and in that listening we find each thing we have in common or in comparison,
and we are closer for it
because being both all the same restricts growth
because being only different things creates conflict
this real love means that we grow from each other, within each other, without each other
because you love me --
i can always talk to you about me, about them, about you, about us
because you love me --
we can talk
because you love me --
we can listen
because you love me --
we can grow side by side and intertwined, beloved.