Blue-light skies, patched with pieces
Of cotton; sutured within the glare
Of the blazing sphere.
Pigeons, bluejays, and squirrels-
As if playing hide-and-seek under
The trees- perfected the morning
Cheer and vivid imagery of a stroll
In the park.
You sit alone, but not alone- arms over
Head- on the park bench.
Right from you, sits a boy on a swing
Above his toy, just content and still,
Still of his non-coping with the world.
Left from you, sits an old man- quiet,
Yet filled with a wanting chatter, contemplating
The boy's young life, as if saying:
Good old days.
But you merely sit between them both,
Focused and content.
And after a windy breeze, after a pickup of
Leaf patches, after a mother-call
Heard from behind your right ear and after
A whistle behind your left ear, you
Pickup your pencil, tear out a piece of paper,
And you write a poem.