MIrror, Mirror
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
You say I’m the least beautiful of all
My teeth, my frizz, my wretched complexion
Fall miles and miles short of your perfection
You tell me my sides could use some work
“A few hours of V-ups,” you say with a smirk
“Forget about wearing that blue clingy shirt
Those huge thighs just will not do in that skirt”
“There’s nothing I can do okay!” I say
“I eat healthy and run for miles every day!”
“Well that’s not good enough,” you reply
And I throw out my lunch to obediently comply
“You’re right, mirror, now I can see
Eating’s for those who deserve it, not me
The ones who can stay slim eating chips
Not a single pound of flab on their hips”
“I’m feeling sick, mirror, I’m weak and I’m sad
I’ve lost 30 pounds but I’m angry and mad
You told me I’d be beautiful when I got here!
You promised!” I screamed, shedding a tear
The girls in my class whisper as I walk by
Saying, “Look, she’s anorexic! “ and not caring why
It was my choice to start, but they don’t understand
That it’s an addiction that gets out of hand
“Just eat, that’s all you have to do,” so they say
But just eating won’t make that mean voice go away
I don’t need any judgment or scorn
But a loving friend to ease the forlorn
“You know what?” The mirror pondered suddenly
“Did I say 30? I meant 33
I have an idea, just stop drinking too
That water in your body’ll help you lose a few”
“Fine,” I agreed, “but just because you promised
I know that your intentions for me are honest
But I still don’t know if this is okay
I’m shaking and shivering in the gym every day”
“Where’d you go mirror? Cause all I can find
Is a skeleton girl with an out-sticking spine
You liar! I yelled with a shock in my voice
How could I have made this deadly choice?”
“I don’t know,” he replied as I startled in surprise
“You know, girl, those bones don’t look good for the guys”
“I hate you, you evil and sick twisted fiend!
I was fine from the start, before you intervened!”
All at that moment I felt betrayed
And that voice was the Judas, whose voice always stayed
He was a liar, nothing but a theif
who stole my self belief
But now I know that he was wrong
And I am just where I belong
I am beautiful no matter what they say
And nothing compares to the way...
I was truly meant to be
which is just beautiful me
He shrivels away from the mirror I look in
And all I can see is the real me in my own skin
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
I don’t care what you have to say at all