Mind Games
Go on, do it
I dare you
Eliminate the innocence
Illuminate the sky
There’s no need for your presence?
I can assure you that’s a lie
How could this have happened? I invested my trust in you
You rebelled against my orders, you didn’t even try
A sudden act of recklessness
Deprived so many of their lives
Contrary to common belief, we weren’t born for this
We weren’t born to die
I’m waiting for an explanation
I promise that I’ll stay
Tell me, why did the chicken cross the road?
He figured it was the only way?
The only way to where?
To get to the other side?
And what is truly over there?
Would it make you feel alive?
I’m sorry I went into so much detail,
I analysed the voices in your head
I’m sorry for my overthinking
I know you wanted me dead
So you took action, without doubt you were brutal
Yet all you wanted was my worthless approval
Do you know what terrified me the most?
You didn’t even stop to think, you didn’t procrastinate at all
All the eyes you’d grown to love, forced to watch you fall
If only I could’ve prevented this, I feel it was all my fault
If only I could’ve come out and saved you, my world wouldn’t have come to a halt
But I am afraid I am trapped behind barriers of flesh and blood
Even if I wasn’t, I am hesitant that I’d be able to hold back the flood
Every time I considered a new idea
You’d throw yourself down and weep
All your life you lived in fear
I wouldn’t even let you sleep
I can finally leave you now with my last apology
I can finally allow you to eternally rest in peace