Mind Games
She doesn't discriminate against age, sex, or
race , 4 million in her evil clutches, she and
her minions are taking over our children's minds
leaving trails of broken down bodies,
Bipolar is reeking havoc, on the kids at the
playground. Little Becky leaves the slide to find
that playground swings have been replaced with
mood swings where the highs take you to the
sky and lows leave her in the dirt like a roller
coaster going up but running out of tracks she
crashes but keeps coming back
Sarah's bile comes up forcefully in to the porcelain
throne tonight's dinner will be her sacrifice to
the evil scoundrel and Bulimia or Mia for short. She is
the reason for the scars on her knuckles from
moments trying to reach inside her stomach to
pull back up the food
Anorexia is back at its antics blinding brittle bodied
boys and girls from their beauty, playing tricks in the
mirror to change the mind making bones show and
kids afraid to grow or know the number on the scale
making dinner time a living hell
Steven has fallen down the rabbit hole losing touch
with reality, amber alerts sounding, his mind has gone
missing last seen with schizophrenia. Headed toward
a wonderland where shapes have sounds and colors have
taste: a scary mind-altering state
Depression pulls them down and leaves them six
feet under, kids like Adam buried alive with slit wrist
and a stomach full of pills but still feeling empty on the
inside, trapped in the darkness sentenced to sit in
sadness or pace streets like the walking dead
He’s hyper, ventilating, sweating and shaking
Uncontrollably, anxiety has Blake by the throat. He's
unable to breath or speak, stomach turning Blake's
yearning to be in the back of the room where he'll get
lost in the shadows until he disappears completely
Who will save the children, our children the faces of
our future will it be Batman with his brains or
Superman with his strength. How about you or me the
ones with the power educate, show empathy, and
speak out the greatest powers of all