Melting Words
A snowflake is all we are.
We form, we fall, we dance, we soar,
We're grounded and one day, we'll all melt away.
Billions before, billions after,
Yet each one of us is unique.
And we have harnessed the power of language
To tell our story.
I write to tell mine.
I write so that some day, in some distant void,
Foreigner, friend, forrager, or family,
They'll find my art and find my life,
They'll read my words and hear my voice.
And if nothing else, they'll know;
This was where I lived.
This was who I loved.
This is what I liked.
This was who I was.
And I wrote it all down.
A snowflake is all we are.
And one day, we'll all melt away.
But, at the very least,
At minimum,
It's good to know,
My words will never die.