From Me Through You
Things haven’t felt alright
things haven’t been okay
but you don’t say anything about it
so why complain today?
It’s like you to explode
after everything builds up
figure something out to say
cause I think I’ve had enough.
For some unhealthy reason
you depend too much on me
and the only resolution
is to stop caring selfishly,
The little things you pick up
the big picture you dissolve
how’s it feel to be lost
when there was no problem to be solved?
Stop thinking for a minute
or stop thinking all at once
and breathe for a second
cause you don’t know what you want.
You think before you speak
but your judgement doesn’t mind
to let a slip of the tongue
get your thoughts on the line.
I don’t know what to do
and I don’t know what to say
to help you other than listen
so for now I’ll just go away.