This is Me
I am not the façade society demands
I am not my reputation
I am not the mutterings under their breath
I am not a dumb blonde
I am the fire in my eyes
I am the passion in my heart
I am the hidden depths of my soul, shied away from sunlight, behind years of built up walls
I am the dimensions no one sees
I cannot be defined by numbers
I will not be explained with simple words
I will not be brought down
I am not a typical paradigm
I am hidden hopes
I am secret smiles shared
I am tears of laughter
I am organized chaos
I am not fear of fate
I am controller of my own destiny
I am not the almosts, the what ifs, the could haves, the would haves, the should haves
I am the chances taken; the opportunities seized
I am not where I have been
I am where I’m going
I am not what has happened to me
I am not a victim
I am a survivor
I am the strength after a fall
I am not the past
I am the future
I am not a failure
I am a success story in the making
I am the creator of my own happy ending
I am from the hands of God
I am His princess
I am a divine creation
I am a masterpiece
This is Me