May 5: Hamartia - A fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine
I have loved everyone. I did.
They have loved me. Did they?
I have given everything.
They have given everything. Or so I thought
The curtains rose
And the truth triumphed.
The truth was on my side,
But the consequences were not.
The truth has always won.
But now it’s too late.
I have loved everyone.
They have loved me.
But it was not love
It was exploitation,
For them, it was opportunity.
It was not a formidable enemy from without
who defeated me.
It was my own head
It was my own ignorance
It was my own heart
who failed to see the true enemy
It was my own love
That brought me to this pit
My enemies laugh
My enemies celebrate
I was no longer a hero
no longer a champion
I became a hero without a heart
There is no such thing a hero without a heart
Only someone
whose heart was ripped out of their chest
the light, extinguished
An ocean of rage,
Anger, hurt
They thrive
Inside my veins
While the drops of love
Mercy, forgiveness
They drown
They have left me.