On Market Street


The shop doors open

And the signs are turned,

Every person, ready

to strike a deal.

Market street, dressed in wares of others' vision's

Flowers, dresses, hats, grocers goods.

Florists, tailors, hatters, farmers foods.

The sidewalks weigh with the steps of the citizens.

Shoes, barefeet, heels, bartyrs boots.

Sheltered, homeless, privileged, dealing dukes.

The stones of Market Street 

Wears a wet coat of opportunities

And so

Many decisions.


Evening sets the sun and

The lamps light takes the places of people.

The true sight of Market Street shows its face.

Tired, nothing less.

Fallen leaves, chipped paint, rusted chains, crumbled concrete.

Trees, building walls, shop signs, sorry sidewalks.

Market Street is cold only with naked streets

And time to prep

and rest


Tomorrow is one more day for the peoples joys and busy needs.

Is another moment of toil and tiring toll

On Market Street.



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