Why is my love okay,
when other's love starts war?
Why is my love normal,
while other's love is disgusting
Why is it okay when I kiss my love,
while others are scorned?
Why can my love and I have a beautiful wedding,
when others are turned away?
Why does it matter to others
what they do in the bedroom?
Why do people hurt others
for things they don't agree with?
Why can't we live where love is normal,
no matter who it is?
Why can't we love each other,
even though we're different?
What is love?
What makes it different
Man and woman, woman and woman,
or man and man.
Is it love?
Is it love,
if they are not opposite?
Of course.
Love is being happy.
Love is sweet
Love is what you make it.
So why do we deny others,
for loving someone?