Lost Soul
"Mommy, Daddy; what's wrong with Grandma?"
"What do the doctors say?"
"Oh please, oh please I want to know."
"Is she going to be okay?"
"Well," the parents reply
Not wanting to say the word
"The doctors say she has cancer"
"And could at any day be with the lord"
Many days the boy spent
With eyes closed, hands upon his bed
Dearly asking his second father
Not to bring that day of dread
So one day when he's at home
Being as happy as can be
The parents come and tell the boy
That she's entered eternity
The house once filled with resplendent sounds
Is now filled with cacophonous cry
And the boy enter his room like a recluse
Asking dear God "Why?"
Death's bitter taste is in his mouth
Feeling like 10,000 limes
But now he goes into her room
To say goodbye one more time
To look upon her silvery hair
Her soft, yet wrinkled skin
He gently closes her eyes and whispers
"Until we meet again"
That is how the day ends
Christmas of 2003
A little boy loses his grandmother
And that little boy was me
Ten years later, he looks back
Upon that turbulent time
And wonders if he could change a thing
Within his turbulent mind
For now he sees a lost soul
But not with clarity
And wonders whether that soul
Belongs to her or he.