Lost (Scholarship Slam Poetry)
Lost inside a world
that really doesn't exist.
Nothing more than fake history
that we all seem to understand.
Though we don't understand it
and we don't want to accept it.
But we do.
It's what we've all seen ,
but what we want to un-see.
We look up to nothing
and rely on nothing.
Expect everything to be there.
But it's not there.
It is not
and never will be there.
Like we wanted it to be.
Like we had hoped for all these years.
But it will be alright?
No one knows.
We say it will but it never is.
The common misconception;
it's our greatest enemy.
But sometimes our best friend.
What we don't know is what we don't understand.
What is this lost world
that ceases' to exist?