Where to go
What to do
I'm so confused
Heart aching
Torn in two
I always knew
Deep inside
This feeling
Of being lost
But knowing
And feeling
Are different
All the same
Again and again
The pain repeats
And the puzzle
Is scattered
Once more
The pieces
Are all over
And it's hard
To put it back
Which goes
With which
Again I start
To tremble
I am the puzzle
And I am broken
The pieces are lost
When will I find
Them all again
Do I have glue
Or tape
It's hard
To keep on going
This very same way
When you keep
Going in circles
Life loses
Its meaning
With no solution
And no answers
Just repetitive
Unsure and tired
Are my main feelings
As the struggle
To know who I am
Continues on and on
I fear it'll be too late
When I realize
Everything is gone.