Lose The Lo-Fi
This is me with no deception
No lies, no fraud
Or distorted perception.
I’m laden with flaws
And with imperfection
But who is to say
I don’t pass the inspection.
The picture I’m painting
Is one to be adored
But I’m no supermodel
Or of high accord.
I am selfish at times,
And I hate to be wrong
I have two fake teeth
That don’t quite belong.
My hips are too wide
and my thick thighs touch,
I speak too quickly
And sometimes too much.
But hold on a second
Let’s take a quick break
To understand that these things
Are no mistake.
Each little piece of me
Fits just right
Who I am is unchangeable
And brilliant despite
The lies that society
Feeds our generation
That lead to self hate
And even starvation.
These lies destroy confidence
And originality
Such harsh judgement
Leads to fatality
Of character, persona,
And all it entails.
We lose ourselves
In pursuit of details
Possessed by the people
We see on TV
The celebrities living
Everyday flaw free.
So we filter our photos
And paint on our faces
To hide who we are
But in most cases
The person beneath
Is more than worth showing
For no one is perfect
So why not start glowing.
This is me with beauty and grace
Love, compassion
And a smiling face.
The defects I possess
I choose to embrace
And perfection is something
I no longer chase.