Lonely Hearts Hotel
People always speak of their bodies as it were a temple, a place of reverence and worship. I've always felt like my body was more of a home than a temple. It's a place to seek more than just shelter. It's a place where all those I have loved reside. I build a room for every individual that enters my life, there they exist in the frame of my mind forming a never ending labyrinth. I find it difficult to not reminisce of those memories as if they were spirits haunting my body. The floor boards of my soul creak and moan. They are old, but they are well loved. They are my foundation. But, recently I've felt more like a hotel than anything else. Those I gave my all for come to me not for a permanent place, but for rest from the hardships they have faced from life's journey. And as they check in I know that they will leave when the time comes. But, still I smile and open the doors of my heart. "Come in", I say," Take off your shoes. Rest awhile." And when they leave, I have learned, it hurts just as much as it did the first time. But, still my doors remain open for those in need. Because, at least for a moment I can know what it's like to harbor life with in myself where there had been none before. I feel needed. And when they do leave all I ask in return is that they leave the door open behind them.