life = beauty
Walking down the hall way
Everybody just has to stare and whisper
I'm pregnant, not a freak
School was a new hell for me
Oh Lord, why me
Whore, Hoe, Slut, almost like a new name
Trying not to cry but I'm just so emotional
Nobody knows what goes on at home
Daddy constantly reminding me I fucked up
Mommy thinks I should just get rid of it
He told me he loved oh how I fell for it
He's nowhere to be found
My belly gets bigger and I can feel the life
But the puddles of tears get deeper
I'm just alone
I'm just so scared
My bestie stays the night so I dont feel alone
I hate being at my house
I turned it into a broken home
Mom & Dad still in each ear hollering
How can something so precious be hated
Nights get longer my heart hurts more
I grab the keys and head to the clinic
Torn between life and death
I wish I had someone to talk to
I walk in get wondering eyes
I fill out the clipboard
And I'm feeling a kick
I try to ignore it but there's no feeling similar
You look up and hear your name
Its your turn
Walking I realize nobody is here with me
I can't help but bust out into tears
You look down at your tummy
You see how much it has grown
You feel that lil baby and start to smile
You now know you're not alone
And a smile always suited you best
6 months later it finally gets here
It's the most precious thing you've ever seen
Much less ever held
It gives you a lil baby grin that's just so cute
And it stares into your eyes
You can't help but smile
Y'all have the same eyes
The unconditional love that you get from just looking at it is unimaginable
And only one of a kind.