As I think of the words to write
My mind seems to wander and run away from the life I see
I seek for the enjoyment of life and all it can give me
Yet I’ve realized that it isn’t easy
Life is full of trials and tribulations that whirl around me to the point where it suffocates me in its hold
Life is something that I will never understand
My smile can drop to a frown in mere seconds as you utter only words to me
Life can break me down ,and turn me ,and make me feel nothing
Numb, broken
Life makes me angry, depressed , and its fills me with happiness all at the same time
All of us seem to suffer here and yet we all still live our lives
Why? Why?
Does this pain eventually fade away ?
Or do I just sit here and wait as I write these words down and continue to wonder and hope that someone, something can give me an answer?
Is life filled with these problems to show who I am with my perseverance?
Fuck that and screw whoever made that a rule
Life isn’t suppose to make me want to go home and cry at night
Life shouldn’t make me feel like I’m an outcast
Life shouldn’t make me want to completely run away from it and escape in my head where the grass legitimately seems greener
Life is a joke just like the words I write in this poem as I try to compose how angry I am it and how frustrating it is that I can’t change the way I live