Living my life filled with lies.
Am I wrong to say that I'm living this life full of lies?
Every day I look up at the sky
Wondering, what is it that signify and dignify
What I'm to do with this life?
Is the reason to live enough to get by?
Or am I hopelessly following the road
For which I was told in the scriptures
I was molded to fit in to this world.
Like a cog finding its fitting to match the wheels
That turns to be clockwork.
Hand crafted by a greater being.
That is said to be our "savior" from the beginning.
I get told that I have to find myself.
Aren't I who I am from the start?
How can I supposedly "change" in due time when
I still live with the same heart.
Bound to do great, but never enough to please the person I truly appreciate.
Why is that no matter how hard I try
I end up turning myself in late.
So much to think about life.
Deciding what's true and what's a lie.
Can I do enough to satisfy what it is I am to be dignified?
I'm so tired of all these lies.
I'm ready to throw in the towel and say goodbye.