A Letter to Growing Up
They say, “You’ll understand when you grow up.”
But, I seem to still not understand it.
I’ve grown tall, but the change is too abrupt.
The old smile on my face no longer fits.
Is this really what an adult is like?
Is “grown up” smiling when you want to cry?
ABC’s and spelling bees are childlike.
Tying shoes will no longer get me by.
The big words have almost seemed to scare me.
As an adult I am still too lacking.
I still can’t get used to the taste of tea.
And my hand still shakes when I am driving.
People tell me i’ve become an adult.
But there are alot of things that aren't me.
Life has only become more difficult.
Growing up isn’t like on the tv.
People tell me that I am grown up now.
But, why is it that I feel so smaller?
Makeup is hard, I can’t figure it out.
My bright dreams have only gotten farther.
I learned that life is about bearing it.
I know that there is still much more to learn.
Somehow I still tend to act like a kid.
Things likes taxes and tips seem too absurd.
They say, “You’ll understand when you grow up.”
But, will I ever be grown up enough?