Let Freedom Ring
At the beginning there was no love,
Only hate,
But from one man, a brave man,
Layed our society’s fate.
There was sadness and despair,
And enough hatred to kill,
But Martin Luther King Jr. would not bare to see this,
He could not sit still,
And just watch as the world tore itself apart,
Through prejudice and superiority passed down through generations,
He knew he needed to fight against it all,
Including segregation.
See he knew that underneath our skin,
We are all the same,
From our hearts, our blood, and even our brains.
He preached his word to all who would listen
And he those who wouldn’t.
He went out of his way,
To do what another man couldn’t.
Despite the threats and hurtful remarks,
He continued to delve,
In order to do what his dream was,
And save us from ourselves.
He led boycotts and protests
All around the states
‘Violence is not the answer’
Is what he would demonstrate.
Arrested 29 times,
But he still kept going,
Nothing could stop him from his dream,
And dream that was so glowing.
In 1968 while preparing for a march,
His life was soon cut short,
America was truly devastated,
When they heard of this report.
If he could see us today,
His heart would be singing,
Because we overcame the dark,
And freedom is finally ringing!