Learning To Be Free
Intransigent, tenacious ,I am.
I am very pious and belligerent when someone disagrees with the word of God.
I'm learning to be insouciant about others malicious opinions on their beliefs
But i'm angry when it comes to that.
I see myself crushed by a spirit
Yet it's the most beautiful thing i've encountered
I've been taught to be kind and selfless
But instead, diffident and dark I am.
I am sad now, narrow minded and tired of being fastidious
Instead i want to be sociable, happy and blithe
To let myself fly,
I want to let myself fly high above,
In the clouds
And all over where the wild shifts me
I want to fly.
I want to dance
Sing and live
But mainly i want to be free.
When will this anxiety leave?
Family & God is the most important thing.
Not only that but what i'm addicted to learning more is my future self and how to fix the world
Social worker to make the world wise and alert that everyone including the man up above is watching.
A lawyer to shut up racist,unpredictable and ignorant people
That we are all equal and deserve to be in the here.
You crack open a white egg, its yellow inside
You crack open a brown egg, its yellow inside
We all are the same inside so why can't we be accepted?
World, why can't you see we want freedom
I'm ready to fight for the justice that must be served in a righteous way
For my families freedom and liberty
It's unfair for the color of our skin being the reason your parent is taken from you,
Do you know that feeling?
Being nine i understood the pain, you don't! So you can't say.
Being eight months makes it the same,
Babies aren't stupid they know when their parent isn't there.
Is this fair? Why does the color of our skin separate us from family and friends?
The only way we have survived this pain;
Is only through pray
I may have the life of riches but you don't know my pain…
Do you know my age?
Thats how long we've been fighting this pain.
We need to find our voice behind all this racket noise.