2nd Cor. 11:4 “for if he who comes, preaches another Jesus,
whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit,
which you have not received or a different gospel, you have not
accepted, you may well put up with it”.
What the mind lacks most
is spiritual insight.
The brain we know can be stashed
with a mish-mash of concepts.
Opinions and objections
and all the cares digested.
The mind already decided
what is truth and what to accept.
With pre-conceived notions
it will reject any truth
that will not blend in
with its determination.
Man’s mind damages more people
then his heart’s intention.
The mistake lies mostly
in believing in man’s devotionalization
Unknowingly the most intimate Christians
may have accepted satan’s suggestions in mind
and stepped aside from plain teaching
that God’s word provides.
As they then stumble on and fall
they should come to the realization
that no man is totally trustworthy
and even at times, the best can slide.
Look at self
Romans 12:2 “… and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and accepted and the perfect will of God”