Just Stop!
Feeling alone
Feeling unworthy
Nowhere to go
No one to turn to
Trying to cry
It's not working
Trying to yell
But they have taken my voice
I curl up in a ball
Just stare blankly at the wall
My heart hurts
My head hurts
My life is full of pain
I wanna scream and shout
But i lost my voice!
What to do?
I feel worthless
Honestly.. I wanna die
There is a voice that isn't mine
That is saying hey take your life
They don't care
They don't like you
They won't miss you
You will feel relief when you die
I tell myself
all the time
every second, minute and hour
I wanna die
One day I got a phone call and
My friend Sarah killed herself
She was really sad
I found that news out and was torn
I don't want to make anyone feel the way I did when i found that out
so finally i thought "Just Stop!"
It is time to stop killing ourselves
Push through and it will get better
Don't focus on what is bad
Don't isolate yourself
Just Stop!
We can get through this
I can force a smile and laugh until it is real
I wanna die but I will make myself live
It is time to STOP!