Jenny fur ....ious
When the karma comes down;
leaves you splayed on the ground.
Don’t worry about me or if I’ve been set free.
It was a long time ago ..... you could have shown decency or at the least clemency .
A presidential pardon is easier than you.
When I look at the clouds and watch the sun peeking through .
For a moment there seems to be aGod of some kind .
When my eyes come to the ground , I just see the devil all around .
I can see how his fear eroded your head .
Not ever sure what to do , give in or pass through .
There are infinite shades of blue and they can all fold to grey.
It’s the primary reason to live for today .
We all want to be original , never sure what to say .
So a few months later at a so called soirée... you nurse that gin and tonic and have jack shit to say .
Leaning on the wall , eyes up and far far away .
Talking seems likely but I refuse to say .
There’s no telling what circumstances made this happen .
I’m very fried and you were my cosmic captain .
No common friends to center the crux .
You always liked to fix it that way .
I pestered badgered and cajoled ... you’d just say to shut my hole .
I think that getting out of this place would be good .
You’re kind of crazed and that’s just alright .
That tongue is tipped with dynamite .
There was a time when you’d have given me a fright .
There’s no more reason .... no reason to fight .
In your defense a suitable replacement can’t be found.
I’ve tried real hard and looked all around .
This whole thing is upside down .
I’m gonna keep looking , I’m done with your cooking .
I’ll admit it’s tasty but I’m never quite full .
I eat so much and want to hide in a hole .
As always came down to control .
Hey baby rock n roll...