i've never told anyone that i hate my father
just seeing him makes me angry
just seeing his greying hair,
his yellow and brown teeth
that cost 10,000 dollars to replace
last time
his thinning body
because he'd rather spend his weekly
paycheck on alcohol and cigarettes than food
just hearing his voice pisses me off
his stupid, simpering voice
like all the times he screamed
swear words, words full of hate
my siblings, my mother, and i
all those times can be what?
just hearing him say "I love you" makes me want to scream
and throw up
and hit things.
because he never said it before
he never said it when he lived with us
when he had every, literally every opportunity
he never said it
and that stupid card
and those stupid flowers
that he gave me when i graduated
don't mean a goddamn thing
because just two months ago
he said that he looked forward to when i turned 18
so that he no longer would be obligated
to pay child support
because obviously being 18 means
i no longer need a father
i no longer need help supporting myself
despite the fact, might i add,
that in two months i'm moving across
the damn country
and i'll be alone.
but, no, of course i no longer
need his support,
now that i'm 18 and all
and it makes me sad to see him
it makes me sad because i can remember
that he built a garden for me
in the corner of our backyard
with a fence around it so our dog wouldn't dig up
the vegetables
and i remember that he took us to the beach
the day he moved out
and he cried and told us he would
miss us
and then i get angry
because next to those good memories are
memories that suck
like that time that i got sick in the middle of the night
and i was six years old
and my mother was bedridden
and he wouldn't get out of bed
so i had to clean it up
and find myself a bowl and a towel and some crackers
and mom and dad fought
in the room over
because he was
"tired godammit"
and she physically couldn't
get out of bed
and when she finally managed to
make him get out of bed
he got angry and jerked me around by one arm
and swore at me
like it was my fault that my stomach revolted
in the middle of the night
i see him now maybe once every few months
and i side-hug him, a tight smile on my face
he calls every other week or so
and i never say "i love you"
even though he says it every time
because when i hear him say
those three stupid words
all i can think is
you should have said them all those times that i was sick or scared or hurt. you should have said that instead of saying "move!" when we dared cross paths with you or "get away from the tv!" when we dared play near it. you should have said those words every night but instead you were too busy fighting with mom. you should have said them willingly, instead of all those times that mom had to remind you. you should have said those stupid, useless words sincerly instead of brusquely and angrily. you should have told us that you loved us when you had a chance for us to say it back and mean it.
but you didn't,
and we don't mean it.
i see him,
i hear his voice,
i remember his cruelty
and i think
that i hate my father
that i despise him
and i can't bring myself to care
that that probably makes me a
terrible person.
turn the other cheek, right?