It's a Shame.
Looking around. Biting lip. Sickness whirls into your stomach. Nausea hits you out of nowhere. Palms sweat. All of a sudden it feels unbearable to just stay still. You have to move. You have to escape. But you can't. And if you 'can' you really aren't because the problem stalks you. Some may stay silent. Some may cry out. Some may become violent in a hope to cover their feeling. Some may laugh in shock not wanting to consume the situation. No matter who you are you have felt this way before. I don't care who you are how big, tall, old you are you have all been vulnerable to this twisted world. We wern't meant to live in fear. But fear is what we live in constant fear. Some worse for others but still fear is a common feeling in everyone. It holds you back from reaching dreams, from creating memories, from trusting others, from living life, from getting anything out of life. You see fear stops life right in its tracks and rips all hopefullness away Makes the strongest of people run away. It's a shame. Fear. Fear taking over our lives.