It's As Awesome As You Make It
Being a writer,
It’s important to understand how people perceive your writing.
It’s more than just writing about a falling in love
Or being a white girl in a dystopian society.
It was how you communicate to your readers,
And make you understand
That there is more depth to the story you’re trying to write
Maybe it’s a connection with modern day issues or oppression,
Or a life lesson that is heard a lot but not quite followed.
By the time I was 13,
I realized how angry I was.
I started seeing the world for what it really was.
I don’t mean realizing how much homework sucked,
Or realizing how mean boys really are,
I mean realizing that I could be treated differently,
For my gender, race, or religion.
I had never even run through my mind,
That I could feel uncomfortable in the skin I was in.
The truth is,
It didn’t matter how much I complained,
Or thought of every sort of possible way,
That I could somehow change myself.
The truth is,
There’s too much to love in this world,
There’s too much to cherish, and remember.
There’s too much to change that needs to happen to be loathing and repugnant
About the life I was put in.
It all clicked.
Our whole world is so connected;
Through media,
Through the internet,
And through books.
Sometimes, the word just doesn’t get quite through
In a news article or the daily paper.
Sometimes you’re going to need a real catch.
Something that’s going to burn like wild fire.
You’ll need something that opens the eyes.
It all clicked.
That I was a story maker.
An eye opener.
A writer.
My passion didn’t have to stop
At replying furiously to misogynistic comments at 3 in the morning.
I could write more than just a soppy love story about two straight teenagers,
Falling in love in unethical circumstances.
I could write way beyond that.
I could inspire,
I could ignite.
Maybe the world isn't as awesome
As I would like it to be,
But that doesn't mean it can't change.
It doesn't mean I can't change it.
We can revolutionize the world as we please.
And that's hella awesome.