Inspiration of The Good
One thought starts a dream,
One smile sooths the soul,
One good deed starts a flame
One word can change a heart.
To the dreamer who's dream-
Has expanded my nation,
To the dreamer who's dream-
Has kept me safe and my home strong.
To the kind who's kindness-
Has given me hope,
To the kind who's kindness-
Has given me strength to stand.
To the doer who's actions-
Have given me courage,
To the doer who's actions-
Have shown me the best I can be.
To the wise who's wisdom-
Is beyond their years
To the wise who's wisdom-
Has kept me from the fate of fools.
Where's inspiration?
In trees and rivers?
In creatures and weather?
No, but people far and wide.
The people I have met,
And the people I have seen,
In my encounters,
There is insperation in every one.
One thought starts a dream,
One smile soothes the soul,
One good deed starts a flame,
One word can change a heart.
One life can find the good wherever they be.