Iniquity of Inequality
Dust settles behind the coats
It bunches up together,
causing a clump of cluttered
hair and flakes of skin.
People look, they think it’s disgusting.
A ghastly gray conglomerate of crap
crammed and clustered close- so gross.
The dust bunny blunders
from inside the closet,
confident that it can come out.
But It’s sucked up by the vacuum,
ground up, mixed into the pile
of trash; thrown away.
But why?
Made up of the same matter
as the man who deemed it trash.
What’s the difference?
It’s the same DNA-
Genetically identical in every single way
And this dust, which you, man, you despise-
- You were made from dust
That is, if you desire
to take tales literally:
Shellfish, tattoos, pork,
Shaving, polyester:
a plethora of paganism
Examine the code and try-
Try to find a rule not founded upon health
(or at least historical practicality)
Try- but you will fail
Your foundations of faith are founded in falsehoods
He said follow but two rules
Love the Lord your God with all your heart.
And Love your fellow man as yourself
And who loves their fellow man more-
more than that so called abomination
the down-trodden dust
whose only aberration
was to love another
minus procreation.