To imagine and to be thankful
To Imagine and To Be Thankful
Imagine Life
Imagine Love
Imagine everything in it as distant as the galaxy from above
Imagine the future
But also the present
And also of ones that are gone from the past
Imagine Life
Imagine Love
Imagine the truth in all the lies given
And imagine the truth in all the vows written
To only imagine of Love is to only imagine of dust and a strong urge that we all call Lust Imagining on something long past gone is like the dusty desert begging on rain to come
Imagine Life
Imagine Love
Imagine on a sunny day a restless dove
Soaring high through the sky
Its feathers as white as the clouds drifting by
And its eyes as beady black as the night
Twinkling with happiness and freedom
I am thankful
I am thankful for life on Earth
I am thankful for love and hate
Because without these there would be no balance in life
I am thankful for not only tears in the night
But also joys and laughs in the morning light
I am thankful
I am thankful for life on Earth
I am thankful for death and birth From Love to as big as the Milky Way
To hate to as small as the tiny insect crawling underground