im holding on!

im so fucked up right now i just wish god wouldve spaired me the pain 

i wish i was never born 

i dont see the point in living i have no purpose no one needs me

im no ones first choice or thought 

im not special im no ones favorite so whats the point of living

im told every day of how big of a disappoint i am to my mom my teachers and everybody

im bisexual.. Disgrace

i make bad descions..Disappointment 

Im always being disrespectful..Stupid

it jut seems like i cant do anything right 

im always depressed 

but im still holding on for dear life

im stuck onna strand thin and small as a grain of sand 

one thing keeps me going

one person keeps me happy

and thats why im living 

shes the reason why i keep breathing 

So for her ill smile

for her ill laugh love and live 

im holding on

All beacuase of her!

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