Sometimes I want someone to hold me with no reason to
just because you want to love me
I feel sometimes there always have to be a reason to show someone you care
you have to see my tears in order to whip something I'm struggling
to take heed to
All the questions what's wrong
when I have been unsolved for so long you just now opened your eyes and noticed
It doesn't matter that you care after the fact I want you to care before
I wish you could read my mind to remove all my hurt and add it to joy
to be able to see something I'm to afraid to relive again so I hide
Stop pretending you care for me when in your absents I have to rescue my own self
Because you couldn't see the footsteps I left you to follow
I have to work harder for you to help me when I scream as you put me on mute
Looking at me as if I'm overly dramatic and to needy
something you can't handle or if you would even pick me up when I laid hopeless
but when you had a fall you expected me to drop the world at your knees
I'm worried about you
as I rolled my eyes taking a second though about what you said
what was that again you worried that you might lose me when I'm already lost
So now you worry
It's amazing how I can see though the clear glass and see all the cracks to you
But with me somehow I must have forgotten
my walls are to covered with blackness you couldn't find a light
to see a hole not a crack but apart of me that disappeared
as I look at my reflection of suck emotions that caved in to me as my image becomes a blur
Girl I'm here for you
makes me hold on to my small faith that stands in front of me as it shakes me out of breath
sometimes words are not enough
when I saw a readied message be skipped ,the fact you ignored me just makes me see where I stand in your eyes
All these problems were surrounding me in a room and instead of jump at fear
I let it burn me
removing the skin that detached the scares
I got so frustrated of this world that was a lot stronger then me
that defeated me though the punches as the crowd yells KNOCK OUT
misplaced around life I didn't even see anymore I could take
I wish life had a pause ,a stop maybe even a replay but theres no such a thing
I was weak to the point I couldn't walk or stand but stay stuck
Help me !!
all the people run to see what caused the noise
that only left a brick wall I built up so high
not a person could even see the top or feel the touch of my hand
as I ran up to this wall
I didn't see a bricks but memories that hurts me
And as I continue to see the wall get bigger ,get stronger at the though of me thinking
The bricks are to hard to break though as I hear my friends try and help me
as I stood looking at the destruction of something I built
The walls got bigger only made me become smaller
little old me had enough bitterness to be the only thing that could kill my own self
I was the one that held on to my neck as I turned blue
it was me all alone
Imani listen can you hear me
I wish I could runaway from my past,present,and future and just be in a time period where
I couldn't feel
All the moments I hurt ,cried,though of everyone who left me
everyone who blamed me the moments I had to seat quiet and take what I was given
No reason for me to show it but to own up to it
but how ?
Tell me please is there a clip I could watch on how I became this
I yelled at what hurt me so I broke everything that had to stand perfect with no flows only perfection
which isn't a fairy tail but a nightmare
I broke everything in me
i broke it ,it was me
no one had to show me love because I wouldn't take it
I let my heart blacken until it stopped but I wasn't dead but alive
Imani imani I need you don't go please don't you have to much to live for
I though I did but now I don't see nothing left for me
I wish I didn't have to be my own lowest amount to anything that ever reached the dark cloudy sky
I wish I could stop adding bricks to a wall no one can help to get to me
sometimes I wonder how people see me now
as they knew the truth of me
I wish I could stop wishing for something that won't happen