I sing
I sing of oppression
and war.
I cry out in depression
and shame
I dream of a day
when we can fly away
from things such as these,
things like anxiety.
These and discrimination
and judgement
and injustice.
I long for the day
our cages are unlocked,
a day when freedom
is a possibility.
A day when equality
and peace
and love
are all acceptable
and not hindered
or shamed by society.
I pray that someday plausibility
is replaced with possibility
and later achievability.
I hope for a day
when everyone can see the beauty
hidden deep within every little thing
the world has to offer.
I wish for a day
when creativity
and expression
are not only accepted,
but embraced.
I ache for a time
when everyone actually does unto others
as they would have done unto them.
I fancy a day when hunger
and thirst
and homelessness
come to an end.
I desire the day when people
do things to help others
simply because it is extremely
emotionally satisfying to see
the look of pure joy on their faces.
I sing of love.