I Pray
Do you know how it feels?
My promises lay broken on the floor like they meant nothing
Every night I would pray you’d remember me
That I would come back running into your open arms like some fantasy
Every full moon I would look up and wish you well.
Where ever you were my heart still dwelled
But you forgot me...
You didn’t need me...
Even though I was physically gone my spirit was still there
And, when I returned my body was trapped in a nightmare
You forgot me
You forgot our promise
I miss my best friend
... but you don’t miss me
I spent so many years away
So many nights I prayed...
I prayed for our happily ever after
But happy ever afters don’t exists
I wish I could forget you too, but my brain still resists
So for now I’m stuck with this
.... it’s been 7 days..
You never came
But you aren’t the one to blame
Stupid girl you actually tried
Stupid girl he already said good bye...
Stupid girl you were the first one to cry
Stupid girl... you were the first one to say goodbye...