I Knew
I Knew
It’s just you and your kids walking the street
They are laughing and chatting having fun
But there is an itch that you just can’t beat
It’s always there and it just wants to make you run
It’s been a long day out.
You haven’t really enjoyed it
But you haven’t had to shout
They are hungry but hard to afford it
You are so stressed, another thing added to the list.
You want to be there for them, but something is calling you.
You ignore it, and in determination you make a fist
But you’re so thirsty. What do you do?
They look your way asking for something
What do they want again?
Always seeking, asking, wanting things.
It’s your life though, your reign
You snap
You yell wait
Your foot taps
All the weight
They look at you undisturbed
You’re so overwhelmed
It's itching
You search for the nearest corner of along the sidewalk
You tell them to stay put, high stakes
They must not see you, you’re on the clock
You go through your bag, hand shakes
You find what you’re looking for, a flask
You open it, the smell stings your nose
You take a long drink, you were so thirsty, all day, your life your reign, your mask
Eyes around the corner, peering, they know.