I Hear America Crying
I hear America crying, the numerous sobs I hear,
Those of Lady Liberty, crying hers as she sees her children struggle, the ideals of her nation betrayed,
The Dreamer crying theirs as their education and future are thrown out by uncaring suits,
The immigrant crying theirs as their contributions to creating this nation are dismissed by the psychotic narcissist in office,
The black community crying theirs as their children, America’s children, are shot down in the street even after years of oppression and struggle in the land of the free,
The LGBTQ+ youth crying as they are crushed for their existence, for their love, for their gender, crying as they plead with the stone faces of parents who loved them until they could not hide who they are anymore,
The cries of those stuck between two worlds, not “American” enough to be welcomed, but not enough of their parent’s heritage to be held in the arms of their culture,
The silent cries of women who cannot walk freely in the world without fear of violation of their soul and body, or of girls told their bodies are more important than their education, or of the girl choosing to wear her hijab to express how she loves religion but having to fear for herself,
Each crying their pain their labor their experience,
Living with this everyday-at night dreaming and thinking and planning to change the present and the future without forgetting the past,
Crying with strong souls their struggles.