I Am...The Lady
I am… The Lady
I am the lady who likes muscle, not malls.
I like the feeling of how the power and strength that surges through my mind and body and soul creates harmony amongst my demons
I am the lady who strives for peace, not picture press
I know we must plant our roots in the earth and grow from there
not in the soil of social media and false advertisement
I am the lady who does not hide behind my blonde hair, curvy stature, or delicate voice.
Because I am not defined by what your eyes choose to see
or by the filter in which society has strangled to put onto your ears
I am the lady who you fear will corrupt your tainted thoughts with feminism and social equality
Because I know you become frightened
when the birds change their migratory path to better fit their needs.
I am the lady you fear who would rather look “gross” than fit in to your strategically construed ideals
Because I know when my body is hidden in baggy clothes and my armpit hair is longer than yours,
I am myself.
I am the lady who you fear will invoke change in this self-absorbed materialistic world.
I am the Voice
I am the Muscle
I am the Lady