I Am is Who I Am
List some words about yourself,
that is how one is to start.
Can I pull a book off the shelf?
Or does it have to come from the heart?
My brain attempts to reconcile
courteous words that have been said;
nonetheless within the pile,
dull words lay instead.
As life daily progresses,
the question still presses
and my mind expresses:
“I am is who I am.”
I define my life with actions:
running, throwing, sliding;
but sports can appear only as distractions.
Meanwhile my stress is eliding.
Each sporting event is but an escape
into another world.
In the game my focus will reshape,
but only while the ball is hurled.
As life daily progresses,
the question still presses
and my mind expresses:
“I am is who I am.”
I define my life with roles I play:
student, co-worker, friend.
I work daily for my pay.
Countless hours I put in but will never condescend
to the level in which I will
abandon all of my ethics.
Never will my grades slip downhill.
However, others are only skeptic.
As life daily progresses,
the question still presses
and my mind expresses:
“I am is who I am.”
I define my life with what I believe:
faith, hope, and love.
In this, greater joy I will not achieve,
for all my gifts surely come from above.
My God brings me through what I could not do
with my own determination.
I know my hope in Him is true;
I simply look around at this wonderful creation.
As life daily progresses,
the question still presses
and my mind expresses:
“I am is who I am.”
Finally, I have but one thing to say
and that is a statement for you.
At the end of every day,
I pray for yet another brand new
chance to show just who I am
for all the world to see.
For I am who I am, nor would I want to be,
anyone in this world but me.