I Am A Chameleon
I am a chameleon
The colorful pariah
Blending in so perfectly
To painted walls behind us
Oh, how can I know myself?
When I'm never the same
No anchor set no place my home
Of business and whimsy
A writer's mind is not at ease
Ten-thousand souls within
Behest to tell their tales
My patience wearing thin
Believe me when I say
There's too much on my mind
Too much to describe
With all too little time
Speak my mind, I've always tried
Too many thoughts come up
For me to find a place to stand
When I empathize with all
How can I find myself?
When my face looks just like yours
All the same, but you can't see me
Maybe I'm meant to be alone
I am a chameleon
I've learned to blend in
Absorbing what I can
To learn how to live
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Hi Eander, my name is Michael Papa, a music composer studying at University of Florida. I really like this text and would love to use it for a vocal piece I am writing. I don't know how to contact you personally, but if you get this message can you please reach out to me if you're interested? You can contact me via my YouTube channel, Papa's Practice Room, if you'd like. Thanks!