History Repeats Itself
This world
Governments rule over the people
People lose faith in the power
They lose faith in themselves
Someone rises up from the fallen
And leads the people
Fighting for peace and freedom
They rise up and bring about change
Away from the bloodshed
And unending wars
They spread love and compassion
For multitudes to bask in
Banishing hate to the depths of our earth
Fulfilling dreams and promises
And persevering through the ages
History repeats itself
And it all happens again
Children go hungry
Men and women fight against each other
Equality is thrown away
And the old and wise
Ignore the voices of the young
Wars are once again fought
And consequences affect both sides
Loved ones are lost
And all cry
Regret spreads like an epidemic
And people ask for change
But everything just repeats
And is back to fighting again
This world keeps turning
And the people can’t get over being greedy
Time continues on
And corruption fills the hearts of many
The years fly by
And time and time again
The same thing repeats
Until the majority feels nothing but hate
And the needy are left in the ashes of time