The highest Bidder
The virus in her blood sent signals to her brain,
Settled in and poisoned her heart
Caused her body to sway
So her prayers never reached home
sold herself to the highest bidder,
put her soul on auction blocks
Counted the hairs on the insides of her thighs,
told her what she needed to hear
He won’t know how to fix her
He will try to fit his brokenness under her pillow
Convinced he can cut her dreaming in half
I won’t know how to explain her
Won’t be able to tell her:
“Baby this happens to the best of us”
But no one buys what they haven’t seen
so her body will be put on display
Turn my way baby let me examine your insecurities,
show me the toughness of a broken spirit
You aren’t priceless
Look at your pieces
I will scatter you over our mother’s hands so she can pray you into God’s lap
My sister I have picked out something beautiful for you to wear
Something nice for your hair
Turn around so I can remember you
Dream of your body in fragments
He won’t know how to make complete sentences of his intentions
No one taught him when it had gotten bad
So he will define his limits by the bruises on your face
The scares on your damaged heart
The marks left in a battered brain
I know this wasn’t always the plan
To allow a man to define himself in you
To leave nests tangled in a broken halo
We aren’t perfect so while you sleep I’ll caress a dream you had
Whisper bible scriptures on your eye lashes
Pray you never blink them away.