Some people are simply meant to be together.
A woman, unbreakable, always finds happiness.
Her personality fiery, her laugh like a feather.
“Happiness can be a choice” her best,
Piece of advice to me, I take it to heart.
Young and expecting, married at 16,
She traveled the world with her marine.
She kept her head raised high,
Even through too many goodbyes.
10 years later is when she met me,
Another ten years and she lost her marine.
Three kids to raise, somehow on her own.
Without her husband of 20 years,
She didn’t know how to handle feeling alone.
But she always fights her way through all of our tears.
Her kids she finished raising the best anyone could,
There was never a problem mom misunderstood.
This is my inspiration, the best I could conceive of.
My mother, with whom I’m in love.